Save images: SCPT((as an abbreviation for ”Secondary Capture”) supported or not?

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I want to know if the following function supported or not in Onis?

When you use the Save Image function, the selected image is stored in a new series in the same
examination and is listed in the Patient List with the same series number but with SCPT (as an
abbreviation for ”Secondary Capture”) marked in the Type column of the Series list. The modality
of the new series is the same as that of the original image.
3/24/2011 4:59:06 PM

Hello Aiyan,

When you export a series from the database window, you will get the same images as the original ones (same modality type, same series UID, etc...). But if you export the images from the viewer window, Onis will create Secondary Capture images (the modality type will become "SC" and a new series UID will be assigned).

I hope this answer your question.

3/24/2011 8:54:21 PM
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