Change Registration Key

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How do i change the registration key that was used when installing the software? I have a very long list of keys that i have purchased (thousands of $) and i selected the wrong one.

The PC that originally had the software installed died and Replaced it with a new computer with windows 7. I installed the pro/ultimate 2.4 software but when I copied the CORRECT license key for pro 2.4 it says it was invalid. I tried this multiple times with no luck. Finally in hopes of just getting it to work i used the key from another client just to see if it would work. It registered but immediately started causing problems with my other client.

I have sent two emails to your support with 0 contact from you.

I need to know how to change the registration key that was used when installing the software. I have tried uninstalling the software completely but when ever i reinstall it has the old key still registered.

Please help me.
8/9/2012 12:40:42 AM


I apologize for the delay to respond to your email. We try to answer to everybody within 48h. I have check your emails and I can't find your purchase order. Could you send us by email the email you used to purchase Onis (the one you used with Paypal). It is 1AM in Tokyo now and our office is closed. If you can respond quickly, I may be able to check out everything for you with the hour.

Kind regards,

8/9/2012 12:49:43 AM

I understand the time issue. I was just hoping to at least hear something by late afternoon my time yesterday. Someone is emailing me now from your support. I'm now needing the keys that i was suppose to use regenerated since the hardware ID has changed.

If that is also the case, i am confused as to how i was able to use a key from another client to begin with. Since that PC has a separate hardware id to begin with.
8/9/2012 1:45:35 AM
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