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How do I modify the number of images displayed in a view?

When you visualize a series in a display area, you can display up to 100 images of this series at a time.

To modify the number of images displayed at a time, follow these instructions:

  1. Click on the "Tile" button of the toolbar of the display area.

  2. A 5x5 default matrix of images will appear. Click in the image which corresponds to the number of column and row that you want to display.

    If you want to set more than 5 columns or 5 rows, follow these instructions to expand the matrix window:
    1. Keep your mouse cursor above one image square in the matrix window and press the left button mouse.
    2. While holding the left button mouse, drag your mouse outside the frame of the matrix window from the right side to increase the number of column and from the bottom side to increase the number of rows. The size of the matrix window will automatically increase to display the new matrix size. You can have up to 10 columns and 10 rows.
    3. Release the left button mouse above the image square which corresponds to the number of columns and rows that you want to display.

When you display more than one image at a time on a display area, you can simply double click on any visible image to visualize it in full screen in the display area. Double click again on the image to reset the initial display layout.


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