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How to hide/show general images or key images?

Hide images:

  1. In a display area, select one image that you want to hide by clicking on it with the left mouse button. Multiple images can be selected by clicking while holding the "Shift" key for continuous selection or the "Ctrl" key for a noncontiguous selection. You can unselect one image by clicking on it while holding the "Ctrl" key. When an image is selected, a white frame is drawn around it.

  2. In the "Edit" menu of the 2D Viewer window, choose "Hide selected Images" to hide the selected images. If you choose "Show Only the Selected Images", all images will be hidden except the ones you have selected.


    • You can select all images by choosing "Select All" in the "Edit" menu of the 2D Viewer window or by hitting the 'A' key while holding the 'Ctrl' key.
    • You can invert the selection by choosing "Inverse the Selection" in the "Edit" menu of the 2D Viewer window.

    You can use the same functions in the context menu by clicking on the right mouse button just after selecting images:

Show images:

If you have hidden some images, you can make them back on display simply by choosing "Show Hidden images" in the "Edit" menu of the 2D Viewer window.

Manage the key images:

  1. In a display area, select one image that you want to define as a key image, by clicking on it with the left mouse button. (Multiple images can be selected by clicking while holding the "Shift" key for continuous selection or the "Ctrl" key for a noncontiguous selection. You can unselect one image by clicking on it while holding the "Ctrl" key. When an image is selected, a white frame is drawn around it.)

  2. In the "Image" menu of the 2D Viewer window, choose "key Image(s)" to define the selected images as key images. After selecting images, you can also directly hit the "K" key to define them, or choose "Key Images" in the context menu by clicking on the right mouse button.

  3. You can read "Key Image" written on the right bottom corner of the selected images.

  4. In the "Edit" menu of the 2D Viewer window, choose "Show only the key images" to hide the key images.

  5. Only the key images are visible.

  6. Note: To show again all images, go in the "Edit" menu of the 2D Viewer window and choose "Show Hidden images".

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