Save studies in remote client

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I have setup a DICOM serve and DICOM remote server. A remote client is connected to it through VPN (ONIS Professional).
After I open studies in ONIS professional, they start loading. It takes 10 minutes for 100 images. Then if I go back to patients list and try to open it again, it starts loading from the beginning again. I tried saving and it only saved 1 image out of 100 in the local directory. I tried selecting all the images and saving. This time none of the images were saved.

My question what does the save button do? Is there a way to save the studies in local directory?

10/18/2015 12:20:06 PM


The save button will save your annotations, image position, zoom and rotation values. The next time you will open the study, you will be able to reload all these properties.

If your connection is too slow, maybe it is better to import the studies in the local database first. Then open the study for there, it will be fast.


10/19/2015 10:34:36 AM

Another question, while VPN is running and I connect to ONIS DICOM server or DICOM remote server through my ONIS professional client, how do I import the studies from there? In my client, the import asking for DICOMDIR or DICOM files or directory. Where can I get ( find ) information from list of patient I see in th server?

Also, I have added another topic in database section. Would you please answer that one too?


10/20/2015 10:47:55 PM


Have you checked the following page?



10/21/2015 9:27:13 AM
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